In this unit, you will be introduced to the concept of sustainability starting with the transformations necessary for achieving the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a way that organises them into 6 logical groups. You will examine each grouping and how collectively they form a framework for accelerating progress, in line with the latest global efforts to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, and a just, and sustainable world by 2050 within safe planetary limits. This deeply interdisciplinary unit explores transformation across education, health, energy, sustainable food production, land, water and oceans, sustainable cities and communities. Along with the transformations you will identify the environmental, social, and economic implications of traditional production, processing and manufacturing systems at local and global scales and learn why we need to rethink and redesign the way we make and consume things. You will learn how decoupling, digital transformation and circular design must underpin all of these transformations. As immediate and ambitious action is necessary to achieve a sustainable future, you will explore, ‘how are we going to get there?’ as well as your own role in contributing to change.
This unit also introduces learning through practice by exposing you to authentic learning experiences. These experiences are placed at the centre of learning and assessment, so you have the opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge and behaviours necessary to respond to industry, community and/or global needs. You will be introduced to: - a range of methods, tools, techniques and approaches to practice - principles and perspectives such as values, ethics, empathy and leadership in real world scenarios - reflection and deliberative thinking as a means of developing knowledge, skills, attitudes and aspirations - ways of understanding problems and developing solutions through active inquiry.