| | | |
| | | 1 | Demonstrate knowledge of the applicable statutory scheme | LO2 | 2 | Identify appropriate procedures for initiating and responding to actions in a tribunal setting | LO2, LO4 | 3 | Formulate submissions and effectively represent a client to establish the application of provisions under a relevant statutory scheme | LO3 |
Assessment Task 3: Assessment Task: Advocacy Exercises |
Task Description: | Members of the judiciary and legal practitioners will provide a series of on-site training on important elements of applications filed in the Supreme Court of Tasmania and Federal Court of Australia. You will be divided into two groups and undertake six advocacy-based exercises. You will draft and file applications, pleadings, and other documents in accordance with the rules of the relevant Court. You will attend the Supreme Court and Federal Court and participate in a hearing of the application on behalf of a client. Some applications made by you will be “ex parte”, and some will be opposed either by you or other practitioners.
The exercises will be formulated to focus on important practice and procedure under the relevant rules or regulations including setting aside or applying for summary judgement, renewal and service of writs, service and relevant pre-trial procedures. Your documentation relating to any application will be submitted and filed with or provided to the appropriate court directly.
Attendance and participation in these advocacy tasks are required for your performance to be assessed formatively during appearances through feedback from legal professionals, including judicial officers.
Due date: Weeks 5 to 24 |
Task Length: | Tasks issued fortnightly between Weeks 3- 15 |
Due Date: | Refer to Assessment Description |
Weight: | 30 % |
| | | 1 | Formulate court documentation in accordance with the rules of Court and free from significant error | LO2 | 2 |
Demonstrate ability to effectively represent a client in a legal forum with appropriate observance of court etiquette and procedure | LO4 | 3 | Evidence of knowledge of the professional duties and obligations associated with conduct of civil litigation in a court of competent jurisdiction | LO4 |
Assessment Task 4: Assessment Task: Overview and Litigation Files |
Task Description: | This task involves two parts: maintaining a ‘simple’ civil litigation file and then a more complex personal injuries litigation file. The first task will involve a claim for property damage for a motor vehicle accident in the Magistrates Court and will incorporate the basic elements of a (civil) Court action. The file is designed to give you an overview of the litigation process before commencing your more complex file.
Throughout the conduct of the file, you will be required to complete file-related tasks including: • Drafting letters of advice to your client at appropriate stages; • Undertaking appropriate file management procedures including accurate and complete file and accounting records;
• Drafting procedural documentation for filing and service and documents required for judgment and execution to finalise proceedings.
These tasks are hurdle tasks and require documentation to be submitted for review. Your file will be formatively assessed but participation in workshop-style exercises will be required to demonstrate competency in each activity.
The second task involves acting for a plaintiff in a Supreme Court personal injuries claim where you will create and maintain a more complex civil litigation file. Your instructors will “act” for the defendant and provide instructions as the client. The file will be conducted in sequence, from taking instructions to obtaining and enforcing judgment. The task will involve three main components: pre-trial, trial preparation, and mediation. These components will include hurdle tasks or activities reflecting various stages of litigation forming part of the overall assessment.
During this task you will be required to: • draft letters and memoranda of advice to your client; • undertake file management including complete and accurate file notes and accounting records; • draft pleadings and other trial-related documentation including supporting evidence and submissions;
• prepare for and attend a Supreme Court mediation conference and present arguments addressing liability and quantum with the aim of negotiating favourable settlement for your client.
All written work undertaken as preparation for the mediation will be assessed summatively. Attendance at the mediation conferences is compulsory. Your performance in the mediation conference will be assessed formatively and feedback will be provided from participating legal practitioners.
The Personal Injuries Litigation file will primarily be formatively assessed and general feedback will be provided. However, several activities will be summatively assessed, and these will be identified for you by the unit instructors.
Periodically, your file will be audited by the unit instructors (and this will include the auditing of trust and office account records).
Due Date: Assessed throughout the Course |
Task Length: | 23 Weeks cumulative sequential progression mirroring procedural steps |
Due Date: | Refer to Assessment Description |
Weight: | 40 % |
| | | 1 | Evaluate the merit of the client’s case, and articulate options for progression and resolution | LO1 | 2 | Prepare legal documentation for conduct of a simple and a complex civil claim in accordance with procedural requirements in a court setting | LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4 | 3 | Formulate legal argument and articulate the client’s position in a variety of legal settings | LO1, LO3 | 4 | Act in accordance with ethical requirements of a professional relationship in advocating the client’s interests | LO4 | 5 | Manage client information and files to a level expected of an entry-level lawyer | LO1, LO3, LO4 |