Unit Outline
Research Methodology and Project Design
Semester 1, 2025
Colin Curtain
School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
College of Health and Medicine
CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B

Unit Coordinator
Colin Curtain
Email: Colin.Curtain@utas.edu.au

What is the Unit About?
Unit Description
This unit introduces students to applied research methodology through literature review and research project design. Students carry out online studies of readings and tutorials, participate in online discussion forums to develop their research skills through discussion, and undertake a literature review and design of a research project of their own choice in clinical or laboratory-based basic science. In this unit, scientific literature, bibliographic databases, information retrieving and searching strategies are discussed in the context of preparing and writing a literature review. Academic support and general guidance are provided on the selection of research topic, the formulation of the research questions and hypothesis, and the preparation of a research proposal. The theories and principles of research methodology, various approaches in project design in health and medical research are discussed in conjunction with key elements of a research project including creativity, ethics, variables, statistical analysis, research techniques, data collection and interpretation, budgeting and reporting.
Intended Learning Outcomes
As per the Assessment and Results Policy 1.3, your results will reflect your achievement against specified learning outcomes.
On completion of this unit, you will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of scientific literature in health and medical sciences, and the ability to apply information retrieval skills to search bibliographic databases and acquire key source documents for review on a specific topic.
Demonstrate the ability to evaluate, synthesise and report the results of a literature search by writing a literature review on a chosen topic that provides the rationale for your research questions, hypotheses and objectives.
Be aware of the principles of research methodology and project design in health and medical sciences, and apply this knowledge to develop a research project proposal.
Alterations as a result of student feedback
As always, the teaching team will greatly appreciate your feedback both informally during the delivery of the unit in 2025, and formally through the University of Tasmania’s Unit Survey following your completion of the unit.

Teaching arrangements
Independent Learning
This unit is offered online and students are expected to complete approximately 10 hours of independent learning per week.
Attendance / engagement expectations
If your unit is offered On campus, it is expected that you will attend all on-campus and onsite learning activities. This is to support your own learning and the development of a learning community within the unit. If you are unable to attend regularly, please discuss the situation with your course coordinator and/or our UConnect support team.

If your unit is offered Online or includes online activities, it is expected you will engage in all those activities as indicated in the Unit Outline or MyLO, including any self-directed learning.

If you miss a learning activity for a legitimate reason (e.g., illness, carer responsibilities) teaching staff will attempt to provide alternative activities (e.g., make up readings) where it is possible.

How will I be Assessed?
For more detailed assessment information please see MyLO.
Assessment schedule
Assessment Task 1:
Review of selected research topic
Week 7
50 %
LO1, LO2
Assessment Task 2:
Research design project
Week 13
40 %
LO1, LO2, LO3
Assessment Task 3:
Short exercises
Refer to Assessment Description
10 %
LO1, LO2, LO3
Assessment details
Assessment Task 1: Review of selected research topic
Task Description:
You will write a literature review on a topic in clinical or laboratory-based basic science. The topic can be of your own choice. If help is needed on the selection of a topic you can consult the course lecturers. In this task, you will use your literature searching skills to select and draw information from a wide range of scientific literature on the topic. Through searching the literature, evaluation of the sources and synthesis of common themes and elements, you are required to define a knowledge gap to formulate a clinically relevant problem in the form of a research question. The review should be written in scientific English using the Vancouver academic referencing style. The literature review should be structured to serve as an introductory background for your research proposal of Assessment Task 2.
More detailed instructions and a general guide for this task are provided in MyLO.
Task Length:
3000 words
Due Date:
Week 7
50 %
Search and select literatures relevant to the topic
Source and organise documents using a reference management system
Evaluate and analyse the literature to formulate a research question
Assessment Task 2: Research design project
Task Description:
Based on your literature review of Assessment Task 1, you will develop a proposal for a research project. In the proposal, a research problem and questions are clearly defined with working hypotheses to be tested. Ethics on human, animal or biological safety are discussed where required. Overall goals and specific aims are aligned with your hypothesis. Appropriate research methods, experimental plan, statistical methods are employed. Expected outcomes and clinical significance, timeline, research team and budget are described and justified with a contingency plan in place. Dissemination and reporting obligations of research findings are discussed.
Your proposal report should be written in common academic format in health science, which is structured to include these subheadings: Abstract, Aims, Background, Research Questions, Research Plan and Methods, Significance, Expected Outcomes, Budget, Personnel, Timetable and Referencing.
More detailed instructions are provided in MyLO to assist your completion of this task
Task Length:
2500 words
Due Date:
Week 13
40 %

Identify a specific, significant gap in the medical literature, and articulate a research question to address this gap
Write a research proposal to address your research question, that is supported by an appropriate title, abstract, aims, significance, and rationale based on your research literature
LO1, LO2
Prepare an appropriate scientific research plan and methodology
Present the research plan using the prescribed format and present to the standards of academic writing
Assessment Task 3: Short exercises
Task Description:
There are four exercises (2% each) throughout semester to reinforce your understanding of specific research skills. You are required to submit your answers to the exercises via MyLO by the due date.
Participate and contribute to online discussion forums (2%) set up around research skills that are commonly used in literature review and project design.
Completion of the first two of these exercises will be used as a performance requirement to confirm your engagement in the unit.

Due dates: Throughout the semester - Weeks 3, 5, 9 and 11 and discussion post.
Task Length:
Due Date:
Refer to Assessment Description
10 %
Requirements for the 4 exercises will be provided throughout the semester. Engagement with online forums by posting new discussion topics to adding to existing discussion topics.
LO1, LO2, LO3

How your final result is determined
To pass this unit, you need to demonstrate your attainment of each of the Intended Learning Outcomes, achieve a final unit grade of 50% or greater, and pass any hurdle tasks.
Academic progress review
The results for this unit may be included in a review of your academic progress. For information about progress reviews and what they mean for all students, see Academic Progress Review in the Student Portal.
Submission of assignments
Where practicable, assignments should be submitted to an assignment submission folder in MYLO. You must submit assignments by the due date or receive a penalty (unless an extension of time has been approved by the Unit Coordinator). Students submitting any assignment in hard copy, or because of a practicum finalisation, must attach a student cover sheet and signed declaration for the submission to be accepted for marking.
Academic integrity
Academic integrity is about acting responsibly, honestly, ethically, and collegially when using, producing, and communicating information with other students and staff members.

In written work, you must correctly reference the work of others to maintain academic integrity. To find out the referencing style for this unit, see the assessment information in the MyLO site, or contact your teaching staff. For more detail about Academic Integrity, see
Important Guidelines & Support.
Requests for extensions
If you are unable to submit an assessment task by the due date, you should apply for an extension.
A request for an extension should first be discussed with your Unit Coordinator or teaching support team where possible. A request for an extension must be submitted by the assessment due date, except where you can provide evidence it was not possible to do so. Typically, an application for an extension will be supported by documentary evidence: however, where it is not possible for you to provide evidence please contact your Unit Coordinator.
The Unit Coordinator must notify you of the outcome of an extension request within 3 working days of receiving the request.
Late penalties
Assignments submitted after the deadline will receive a late penalty of 5% of the original available mark for each calendar day (or part day) that the assignment is late. Late submissions will not be accepted more than 10 calendar days after the due date, or after assignments have been returned to other students on a scheduled date, whichever occurs first. Further information on Late Penalties can be found on the Assessments and Results Procedure.

Review of results and appeals
You are entitled to ask for a review of the marking and grading of your assessment task if there is an irregularity in the marking standards or an error in the process for determining the outcome of an assessment. Details on how to request a review of a mark for an assignment are outlined in the Review and Appeal of Academic Decisions Procedure.

Required Resources
Required reading materials
The following two books are the requisite textbooks for CSA408. These books are eBooks that are available in full text at the online Ebook Library. 
1. Ridley, D. (2008) The literature review: A step-by-step guide for students. 185 pages. Sage Publications.
2. Supino, P.G., Borer, J.S. (2012) Principles of research methodology: a guide for clinical investigators. 285 pages. Springer. New York.
Recommended reading materials
The following two eBooks are recommended readings for CSA408. These eBooks are available in full text to students at the online Ebook Library. 
1. Bettany-Saltikov, J. (2012) How to do a systematic literature review in nursing: A step-by-step guide. 194 pages. Open University Press.
2. Vogt, W. O., Gardner, D.C., Haeffelle, L.M. (2012) When to use what research design. 401 pages. Guilford Publications, New York.
Other required resources