To pass this unit, you need to demonstrate your attainment of each of the Intended Learning Outcomes.
Your grade will be determined in the following way:
All assessments within the Postgraduate Professional Training Programs at the University of Tasmania adhere to an ungraded pass profile. Similarly, your academic transcript will use this same grading system.
This means all assessable work will be graded as either UP (ungraded pass) or NN (fail grade), which indicates you need to continue towards developing that competency. You are required to achieve a UP on all assessment pieces in order to successfully pass a unit of study – be that coursework, placement, or thesis.
To obtain an UP grade for this unit you must achieve a UP grade on all assessment tasks and a minimum Level 2 standard on all domains of the CYPRS competency rating tool.
Marks are reviewed by the Unit Coordinator and School of Psychological Sciences Assessment Committee and may be adjusted to ensure fairness, consistency, and appropriateness before the final marks and grades are assigned in accordance with University policy and the specified unit assessment. Grades and marks are also reviewed by the College of Health and Medicine Assessors’ Committee.