Task Description: | For the purposes of this assignment, you are a registered teacher and your school has asked you to prepare a document/video that examines and reviews a health education resource.
You need to find a resource related to health education for a grade of your choice. Your resource could be a text, a website, a mobile application, a resource kit, or a guest speaker from an organisation. Examples of each of these will be provided throughout the semester. In your review you need to read and engage with your selected resource in detail so that you can present a fair and reasonable review. To do this well, you should attempt to understand the topic from a different perspective (i.e. refer to related resources) and in relation to selected literature. Your review/analysis needs to contain the following: • An overview of the resource you are reviewing (intent).
• An analysis of the quality of the resource for teaching purposes and how it links to evidence-based research (more information on what could be covered for this point will be provided in online activities, readings and during face-to-face tutorials). • A discussion on the appropriateness of the resource for teachers seeking to develop health literacy. • At least TWO recommendations for improvement (justify your responses). You need to refer to literature and use examples where appropriate to support your ideas and thoughts. You can choose to present this task in a word document, in PebblePad, as a PowerPoint presentation or in a video – other options may be considered in consultation with your Unit Coordinator.
Finally, you will also need to include a summary of the resource you have reviewed. In this summary you should also score a rating out of 10 for the resource (this will NOT be marked but will be used to build a resource for you to keep of the reviewed resources).
Completion of this Assessment Task relates to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) 2.1, 3.4