Unit Outline
Arts Partnerships in Education
Semester 1, 2024
Abbey MacDonald
Faculty of Education
College of Arts, Law and Education
CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B

Unit Coordinator
Abbey MacDonald
Email: Abbey.MacDonald@utas.edu.au

What is the Unit About?
Unit Description
This unit will focus on partnerships as the driver for authentic and quality Arts education. This includes an exploration of partnerships with teachers of other Arts and non-Arts subjects, within school-based co-curricular activities, with respect to the Australian Curriculum crosscurricular priorities and general competencies, and with the broader community and Arts industry. In this unit, you will interpret the research evidence for the benefits of Arts education partnerships, and contribute to the ongoing development of Arts education communities of practice in and beyond Tasmania.
Intended Learning Outcomes
As per the Assessment and Results Policy 1.3, your results will reflect your achievement against specified learning outcomes.
On completion of this unit, you will be able to:
articulate knowledge of why partnerships in arts education contribute to student learning, teacher professional learning, and development of school culture.
recognise and explain how partnerships can be initiated, developed and sustained to improve student learning, teacher professional learning and development of school culture.
Alterations as a result of student feedback

Teaching arrangements
Tutorial (Online)
No Description
Independent Learning
No Description
Attendance / engagement expectations
If your unit is offered On campus, it is expected that you will attend all on-campus and onsite learning activities. This is to support your own learning and the development of a learning community within the unit. If you are unable to attend regularly, please discuss the situation with your course coordinator and/or our UConnect support team.

If your unit is offered Online, it is expected you will engage in all those activities as indicated in the Unit Outline, including any self-directed learning.

If you miss a learning activity for a legitimate reason (e.g., illness, carer responsibilities) teaching staff will attempt to provide alternative activities (e.g., make up readings) where it is possible.

How will I be Assessed?
For more detailed assessment information please see MyLO.
Assessment schedule
Assessment Task 1:
Critical Reflection
Week 3
30 %
LO1, LO2
Assessment Task 2:
Arts Partnerships Portfolio
Week 8
40 %
LO1, LO2
Assessment Task 3:
Secondary Unit Plan
Week 12
30 %
LO1, LO2
Assessment details
Assessment Task 1: Critical Reflection
Task Description:
In MyLO, head into ‘Assessment’ and scroll down to ‘Assessment Task 1 – Arts Tasmania AiR short films’. Here you will find a suite of short documentaries featuring Artist in Residence (AiR) programs that ran in Tasmanian schools between 2011 and 2016.

Use one of these short documentaries as a springboard to write a critical reflection on the role of artist partnerships in school settings. In your reflection, draw on your chosen short film, the unit’s recommended readings, your own experiences and/or other readings to identify and discuss:
- specific benefits and challenges of working with artists in education contexts
- the ways in which artist residencies contribute to student learning, teacher professional development and school culture

Completion of this Assessment Task relates to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) 7.4

Task Length:
1200 words
Due Date:
Week 3
30 %
Analysis and review of theoretical and practical (AiR documentary) reference material (30%)
LO1, LO2
Identification and assessment of the features of quality arts partnerships (30%)
LO1, LO2
Integration of personal perspective and theoretical concepts (30%)
LO1, LO2
Demonstration of scholarly skills of writing and referencing (10%)
LO1, LO2
Assessment Task 2: Arts Partnerships Portfolio
Task Description:
You are required to submit a PebblePad portfolio comprising completion of Part A and Part B described below. The portfolio is to be shared for assessment via PebblePad, with the documentations therein comprising format/s of your choice: e.g. text, visual, video, audio.

Part A:
Part A of your Art Partnerships Portfolio asks you to document four concise critical reflections that speak to the learning outcomes you have arrived at following your completion of four exercises/activities described in Module 2. In this unit, your Module 2 content and associated learning exercises/activities are housed the EMT652 MyLO site. For Module 2 (semester weeks 2 through to and including 8), you will learn alongside your EMT652 peers who are specialising in your second Arts teaching area.
Having engaged fully with your Module 2 content and completed all learning activities described therein, it is expected that your Part A documentations will go beyond simply describing what you did in your completion of four Module 2 learning exercises/activities. Your four Part A documentations must identify which exercises/activities undertaken in the EMT652 Module 2 space provide the basis for critically reflecting upon your arrival at specific learning outcomes.
For your Part A documentations of learning, any ways in which you envisage arts partnerships to be activated and leveraged through the pedagogies of your second Arts teaching area should be made explicit. Please frame these in context of your own personal learning outcomes.

Contact a teacher or Arts industry person who collaborates with teachers currently working in your area of second discipline specialisation and ask them about the following:
- The most helpful resource in their field (this could be a book, website or organisation)
- How they foster partnerships and for what purpose (this can include partnerships with other teachers, artists, organisations)
- A challenge they face in teaching/partnering in the learning context (which may or may not relate directly to partnerships)
Look up your required text (for your second Arts specialisation) and other pertinent reading you have encountered in or beyond the unit to locate and critically consider advice on building partnerships or addressing a particular challenge/opportunity the teacher raised.
Drawing on the teacher’s responses, Module 2 resources, and your textbook/readings, write an 800 word critical reflection from your discussion with the teacher.

Notes: Please use the Assessment Task 2 discussion board to share and troubleshoot ideas/possibilities for how you envisage documenting your responses for Part A and B at least two weeks in advance of the assessment task due date.
Regular participation in, review of and contribution to online discussions/zoom tutorials pertaining to Module 2 and this assessment task is advised.
It is up to you how you wish to distribute the total 1600 word count across your response to Part A and Part B. Past students usually opt for around 900 words for Part A, and around 600 words for Part B.

Completion of this Assessment Task relates to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) 2.1, 1.2, 3.3, 7.4

Task Length:
1600 words
Due Date:
Week 8
40 %

Analysis and application of reference material (40%)
LO1, LO2
Identification and assessment of the features of quality arts partnerships (30%)
LO1, LO2
Integration of personal perspective and theoretical concepts (30%)
LO1, LO2
Assessment Task 3: Secondary Unit Plan
Task Description:
Using your choice from the unit plan templates provided in MyLO (or an alternative preferred planning model/proforma of your choice) you are to create a 900 word overview for a unit of work in your second Arts teaching specialisation. You must use The Australian Curriculum: The Arts (Version 9.0). The unit overview is to be planned for your choice of secondary grade (i.e grade 7, 8, 9 or 10), using content information from either band 7/8 or 9/10.

The unit plan overview must feature an Arts oriented partnership between any of the following:
- teacher/ teacher partnership
- teacher/artist partnership
- teacher/students partnership
- student/artist partnership
- Arts/cultural event or organisation/teacher partnership

You may like to write a plan that you could discuss with a colleague teacher and/or use during an upcoming PE if you are teaching in your second Arts teaching area.

In addition to the 900 words which will comprise the bulk of your unit plan overview, include a 300 word reflection for the unit outlining how you envisage the partnership component of this unit will benefit student learning OR teacher professional learning

Notes: Suggested word counts for each section are indicative only. You are welcome to distribute the total word count for the assignment however you wish.

Completion of this Assessment Task relates to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 7.4

Task Length:
1200 words
Due Date:
Week 12
30 %
Structure of plan (including alignment of aims, activities and assessment) 50%
LO1, LO2
Applicability of Arts partnership to contribute to student learning (30%)
LO1, LO2
Articulation of the impact of the arts partnership on learning (20%)
LO1, LO2

How your final result is determined
To pass this unit, you need to demonstrate your attainment of each of the Intended Learning Outcomes, achieve a final unit grade of 50% or greater, and pass any hurdle tasks.
Submission of assignments
Where practicable, assignments should be submitted to an assignment submission folder in MYLO. You must submit assignments by the due date or receive a penalty (unless an extension of time has been approved by the Unit Coordinator). Students submitting any assignment in hard copy, or because of a practicum finalisation, must attach a student cover sheet and signed declaration for the submission to be accepted for marking.
Requests for extensions
If you are unable to submit an assessment task by the due date, you should apply for an extension.
A request for an extension should first be discussed with your Unit Coordinator or teaching support team where possible. A request for an extension must be submitted by the assessment due date, except where you can provide evidence it was not possible to do so. Typically, an application for an extension will be supported by documentary evidence: however, where it is not possible for you to provide evidence please contact your Unit Coordinator.
The Unit Coordinator must notify you of the outcome of an extension request within 3 working days of receiving the request.
Late penalties
Assignments submitted after the deadline will receive a late penalty of 5% of the original available mark for each calendar day (or part day) that the assignment is late. Late submissions will not be accepted more than 10 calendar days after the due date, or after assignments have been returned to other students on a scheduled date, whichever occurs first. Further information on Late Penalties can be found on the Assessments and Results Procedure.
Review of results and appeals
You are entitled to ask for a review of the marking and grading of your assessment task if there is an irregularity in the marking standards or an error in the process for determining the outcome of an assessment. Details on how to request a review of a mark for an assignment are outlined in the Review and Appeal of Academic Decisions Procedure.

Required Resources
Required reading materials
You will need the following text (please only purchase the text pertaining to your SECOND Arts teaching specialisation:
Drama: Anderson, M, (2012). MasterClass in Drama Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning. London: Continuum.
Media Arts: Dunscombe, R., Guimarra, V., Lamb, B., Tibaldi, K., & Young, R (2017). Heinemann Media Student (3rd ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Australia.
Music: Please refer to the EMT652 MyLO Reading List for your required music readings.
Visual art: Hetland, L., Winner, E., Veenema, S., & Sheridan, K. (2013). Studio thinking 2: The real benefits of visual arts education (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Teachers College Press.
Reading Lists provide direct access to all material on unit reading lists in one place. This includes eReadings and items in Reserve. You can access also access the Reading List from the link in MyLO.
Recommended reading materials
MacDonald, A., Hunter, M. A., Ewing, R., & Polley, J. (2018). Dancing around drawn edges: Reimagining deficit storylines as sites for relational Arts teacher professional learning collaboration, Australian Art Education, 39(3), 455.
Wise, K., MacDonald, A., Badham, M., Brown, N., & Rankin, S. (2022). Interdisciplinarity for social justice enterprise: intersecting education, industry and community arts perspectives. The Australian Educational Researcher, 49(3), 595-615.
© Commonwealth of Australia (2023). Australian National Cultural Policy. Revive: A place for every story, a story for every place –
Australia’s cultural policy for the next five years. https://www.arts.gov.au/publications/national-cultural-policy-revive-place-every-story-story-every-place
Other required resources