Unit Outline
Foundations of Teaching
Semester 1, 2024
Bianca Coleman
Faculty of Education
College of Arts, Law and Education
CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B

Unit Coordinator
Bianca Coleman
Email: Bianca.Coleman@utas.edu.au

What is the Unit About?
Unit Description
Foundations of Teaching introduces you to the study of teaching as a profession and dimensions of teacher relationships and work. Through acquiring skills to reflect critically on your assumptions based on past educational experiences and attitudes and beliefs about teaching and teachers, you will have the opportunity to engage at a deep level with both research and your new experiences of teaching. Content explored in this unit relates to teacher reflection, teacher professionalism, teaching strategies, teacher gratitude, and the pragmatics of teachers' work such as establishing a positive and supportive classroom environment, communication as a teacher, and observation skills. Your participation in this unit therefore establishes a sound base to develop your knowledge and professional practice for the duration of the course and into the future.
Intended Learning Outcomes
As per the Assessment and Results Policy 1.3, your results will reflect your achievement against specified learning outcomes.
On completion of this unit, you will be able to:
reflect critically on your knowledge of teaching in relation to current research and on yourself as a developing teacher.
execute responsibility for your learning about the teaching profession and your development as a teacher who has advanced cognitive, creative, and critical skills.
engage critically with content to create knowledge, and clearly communicate concepts and ideas to an intended audience.
recognise important processes and protocols relating to participation in professional experience in schools.
Alterations as a result of student feedback
This unit was significantly redesigned in 2023 to reflect contemporary education practice, and an increased focus on preparing for Professional Experience.

Teaching arrangements
On Campus
Starting in Week 1
Lecture (Online)
No Description
Individual Study
8 hours additional independent study
Independent Learning
Weekly discussion board
Attendance / engagement expectations
If your unit is offered On campus, it is expected that you will attend all on-campus and onsite learning activities. This is to support your own learning and the development of a learning community within the unit. If you are unable to attend regularly, please discuss the situation with your course coordinator and/or our UConnect support team.

If your unit is offered Online, it is expected you will engage in all those activities as indicated in the Unit Outline, including any self-directed learning.

If you miss a learning activity for a legitimate reason (e.g., illness, carer responsibilities) teaching staff will attempt to provide alternative activities (e.g., make up readings) where it is possible.

How will I be Assessed?
For more detailed assessment information please see MyLO.
Assessment schedule
Assessment Task 1:
Introductory Letter
Week 3
10 %
Assessment Task 2:
Academic Essay
Week 6
40 %
LO1, LO2, LO3
Assessment Task 3:
Observation and Reflection
Week 10
50 %
LO1, LO3, LO4
Assessment details
Assessment Task 1: Introductory Letter
Task Description:
Write a letter of introduction that is intended for your prospective Professional Experience 1 (PE1) supervising teacher (ST). This letter should include:
1. A photo of you.
2. A brief introduction to who you are, and your secondary specialisation or primary proficiency in the Master of Teaching
3. Why you want to be a teacher, identified through your engagement in tutorial activities.
4. An example of how your previous life experience, study and/or work is relevant to your decision to take up teaching.
5. What you would most like to learn during PE1 based on your understanding of the Australian Professional Standards for Teaching.

A template is provided for this task. Further details about the format and academic writing requirements of the task will also be posted in MyLO at the beginning of the semester.

Task Length:
500 words
Due Date:
Week 3 (13/Mar/2024)
10 %
Demonstrate professional written presentation (100%)
Assessment Task 2: Academic Essay
Task Description:
Write a 1500-word academic essay drawing on theories and concepts explored in this unit and their relationship to your developing understanding of teaching ahead of Professional Experience 1.
Throughout your essay, critically engage with relevant scholarly literature to support your argument(s).

A template is provided for this task. The essay question, as well as the format and academic writing requirements of the task, will also be posted in MyLO at the beginning of the semester.

Task Length:
1,500 words
Due Date:
Week 6 (10/Apr/2024)
40 %

Demonstrate an understanding of the key theories and concepts that inform reflective practice (40%)
LO1, LO2
Critically engage with relevant scholarly literature in the field of education (40%)
Demonstrate professional written presentation (20%)
Assessment Task 3: Observation and Reflection
Task Description:
Part A:
Observe a teacher in one of the teaching video files provided in this unit. Discuss what you have learned from your observation about two effective teaching strategies/practices, using relevant scholarly literature to demonstrate your understanding.

Include in your discussion, two questions that you would like to ask the teacher you observed to find out more about more about what is involved in effectively employing these teaching practices.

Part B:
Reflect on two of your assumptions about teaching that were challenged or confirmed during this semester. Throughout your discussion, support your argument by critically engaging with relevant scholarly literature, as well as your reflections on tutorials and/or MyLO-based activities.

Note: A template is provided for this task. The format and academic writing requirements of the task will also be posted in MyLO.

Task Length:
2,000 words
Due Date:
Week 10 (08/May/2024)
50 %
Demonstrate an ability to observe and learn from the teaching practice of others (30%)
LO1, LO4
Reflect on your assumptions about teaching or yourself as a learner and teacher (30%)
LO1, LO4
Critically engage with relevant scholarly literature in the field of education (30%)
Demonstrate professional written presentation (10%)

How your final result is determined
To pass this unit, you need to demonstrate your attainment of each of the Intended Learning Outcomes, achieve a final unit grade of 50% or greater, and pass any hurdle tasks.
Submission of assignments
Where practicable, assignments should be submitted to an assignment submission folder in MYLO. You must submit assignments by the due date or receive a penalty (unless an extension of time has been approved by the Unit Coordinator). Students submitting any assignment in hard copy, or because of a practicum finalisation, must attach a student cover sheet and signed declaration for the submission to be accepted for marking.
Requests for extensions
If you are unable to submit an assessment task by the due date, you should apply for an extension.
A request for an extension should first be discussed with your Unit Coordinator or teaching support team where possible. A request for an extension must be submitted by the assessment due date, except where you can provide evidence it was not possible to do so. Typically, an application for an extension will be supported by documentary evidence: however, where it is not possible for you to provide evidence please contact your Unit Coordinator.
The Unit Coordinator must notify you of the outcome of an extension request within 3 working days of receiving the request.
Late penalties
Assignments submitted after the deadline will receive a late penalty of 5% of the original available mark for each calendar day (or part day) that the assignment is late. Late submissions will not be accepted more than 10 calendar days after the due date, or after assignments have been returned to other students on a scheduled date, whichever occurs first. Further information on Late Penalties can be found on the Assessments and Results Procedure.
Review of results and appeals
You are entitled to ask for a review of the marking and grading of your assessment task if there is an irregularity in the marking standards or an error in the process for determining the outcome of an assessment. Details on how to request a review of a mark for an assignment are outlined in the Review and Appeal of Academic Decisions Procedure.

Required Resources
Required reading materials
Required readings for this unit are accessible via the Reading List. You will also find details of the required readings in MyLO.
Recommended reading materials
Churchill, R., Keddie, A., Moss, J., Nagel, M. C., Shaw, K., Mackay. J., Letts, W., McGill, M., Batt, J., Beckman, K., Apps, T., & Grainger, P. (2022). Teaching: Making a difference (5th ed.). Wiley.
Killen, R. (2015). Effective teaching strategies: Lessons from research and practice (7th ed.). Cengage.
Whitton, D., Barker, K. L., Nosworthy, M., Humphries, J., & Sinclair, C. (2015).
Learning for teaching: Teaching for learning (3rd ed.). Cengage.
Other required resources