| | | | | | | How will I be Assessed? For more detailed assessment information please see MyLO. |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ASSESSMENT TASK # | ASSESSMENT TASK NAME | DATE DUE | WEIGHT | LINKS TO INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES | Assessment Task 1: | Critiquing Play and Inquiry-Based Pedagogies | Week 9 | 45 % | LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4 | Assessment Task 2: | Learning Sequence and Rationale | Week 13 | 55 % | LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4 |
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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Assessment Task 1: Critiquing Play and Inquiry-Based Pedagogies | Task Description: | The aim of this task is for you to critique the theory and practice within the early childhood learning experiences which encompass play and inquiry-based pedagogies. You will need to develop your essay in response to this question:
Play is a powerful tool for young learners to explore their environment, acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes of the world around them. As a supporter of learning, how can you make available the appropriate learning environment for this pedagogical approach to flourish within the science, maths and literacy areas?
Make sure your assignment submission document AND file name include: your first and last names, student identification number and AT1-EDP707. Also ensure that your word count and page numbers are included within the document. Save and submit as a Word/PDF file.
Standard descriptors for these criteria are included in the assessment rubric, located in the Assignment section in MyLO.
Completion of this Assessment Task relates to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
| Task Length: | | Due Date: | Week 9 (29/Apr/2024) | Weight: | 45 % | | CRITERION # | CRITERION | MEASURES INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOME(S) | | | | 1 | Discuss play and inquiry-based pedagogies relative to early childhood learning and development (40%) | LO1, LO2 | 2 | Critique early childhood learning experiences with respect to theory and practice (40%) | LO3 | 3 | Communicate using academic writing, expression and English conventions (including spelling, punctuation, and grammar), APA referencing conventions, and scholarly literature (20%) | LO4 |
| | Assessment Task 2: Learning Sequence and Rationale | Task Description: |
In this task, you will focus on planning a science inquiry-based experience/lesson designed for a child/student, group or small group (three or more) children/students at an age level of your choice within early childhood (birth to age 8). Obviously, your choice will depend upon your context. In this assignment, the expectation is that you:
▪ plan how you will deliver, monitor and assess a science inquiry, integrated with literacy and mathematical learning; ▪ show evidence of having integrated the recommended literature about how to implement an inquiry effectively; and ▪ clearly demonstrate how you have applied current learning theory to either the EYLF, or the English, Mathematics areas (Australian Curriculum) in your integrated science inquiry.
Your assignment submission will include four parts, namely:
Part A: A description of your context with emphasis on your target learning group (approx. 200 words). Describe the contextual demographics (e.g., setting type, location of learning environment, community/town), learner characteristics (e.g., size of group, children’s age and potential strengths, needs, interests, etc.).
Part B: Rationale behind the development of your learning sequence (approx. 1000 words). Use the literature (e.g., unit readings and other relevant sources) to support your discussion. Some areas to consider may include:
▪ the theoretical basis for your decisions (in terms of why the learning sequence is constructed as it is). ▪ links between the experience/lesson to the EYLF and/or the Australian Curriculum: English, Science and Mathematics. ▪ the learning/understanding you would expect the child/children would have had prior to undertaking this experience/lesson.
▪ justification of how and why elements of socio-cultural theory/constructivist learning were incorporated in the approach you took. ▪ identification of the safety, ethical and management issues encountered during the inquiry and how you addressed these. ▪ reflection upon your own learning during the unit – how has this impacted your thinking?
Part C: Your learning sequence/experience/plan (approx. 800 words). This will be a reflection as well as a practical demonstration of what you discussed in Part B. It will be up to you to choose a format to develop your plan, as it needs to meet the needs of your context. Include the following 7 aspects in your response:
▪ activities designed to determine the learner/s prior knowledge about the topic and introduce the experience/lesson, and to engage the learner/s.
▪ a range of possible discussion prompts including open and closed questions you might ask the learner/s during the experience/lesson when exploring the science, mathematics and literacy ideas. ▪ opportunities to embed literacy and mathematical learning in the science inquiry. ▪ how you intend to begin, progress and close the experience/lesson. ▪ a list of the resources you will need. ▪ identification of the evidence you will gather to assess learning. ▪ some forward thinking – where might this experience lead?
Part D. (approx. 200 words). Consider and respond to the following question, (even if you are unable to deliver your plan):
What do you see as possible strengths within the learning and what may be barriers to learning?
Make sure your assignment submission document AND file name include: your first and last names, student identification number and AT2-EDP707. Also ensure that your word count and page numbers are included within the document. Save and submit as a Word/PDF file.
Standard descriptors for these criteria are included in the assessment rubric, located at the end of the assessment section/unit outline/in the Assignment description in MyLO.
Completion of this Assessment Task relates to Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (APST) 1.2, 1.5
| Task Length: | | Due Date: | Week 13 (27/May/2024) | Weight: | 55 % | | CRITERION # | CRITERION | MEASURES INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOME(S) |
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