Unit Outline
Professional Clinic Placement
Semester 1, 2024
Donovan Castelyn
Tasmanian School of Business & Economics (TSBE)
College of Business and Economics
CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B

Unit Coordinator
Donovan Castelyn
Email: donovan.castelyn@utas.edu.au

What is the Unit About?
Unit Description
This Unit integrates work and learning for final year Undergraduate degree students. It carries a 12.5 Credit Points (equivalent to one unit) and is an elective unit or specialisation unit in an Undergraduate degree offered by the TSBE. You will undertake an internship with the UTas Tax Clinic in Hobart or Launceston. This will ensure appropriate standards are maintained and the work projects and related tasks relate to one or more of your study majors. For the duration of the internship period, the internship team will liaise closely with you and the Tax Clinic Mentor.
Intended Learning Outcomes
As per the Assessment and Results Policy 1.3, your results will reflect your achievement against specified learning outcomes.
On completion of this unit, you will be able to:
Analyse your learned skills and knowledge with-in a practical work-based environment.
Integrate acquired skills, capabilities and knowledge from your university studies to a workplace environment.
Critically reflect on your experience as a tax clinic intern.
Enrolment in this unit is subject to satisfactory performance in your Undergraduate degree in Taxation Law or permission from the Course Coordinator. As the application process is competitive, there are no guarantees that all applicants will obtain a placement.
Alterations as a result of student feedback
To be determined

Teaching arrangements
On Campus
3-hr workshop every 3 weeks, commencing in Week 3.
Study Period 4 times
5-hrs independent learning
Attendance / engagement expectations
If your unit is offered On campus, it is expected that you will attend all on-campus and onsite learning activities. This is to support your own learning and the development of a learning community within the unit. If you are unable to attend regularly, please discuss the situation with your course coordinator and/or our UConnect support team.

If your unit is offered Online, it is expected you will engage in all those activities as indicated in the Unit Outline, including any self-directed learning.

If you miss a learning activity for a legitimate reason (e.g., illness, carer responsibilities) teaching staff will attempt to provide alternative activities (e.g., make up readings) where it is possible.
The Tasmanian School of Business and Economics regularly hosts Masterclasses and Industry Engagement and Employability Events, which students are encouraged to attend. Registration and details will be available via the College of Business and Economics channel on the Uni App and/or via your Unit Coordinator. 

How will I be Assessed?
For more detailed assessment information please see MyLO.
Assessment schedule
Assessment Task 1:
Oral Presentation
See the MyLO site for the due date
20 %
LO1, LO2
Assessment Task 2:
Clinical Performance and Participation
Week 13
30 %
LO1, LO2
Assessment Task 3:
Reflective Journal
Refer to Assessment Description
50 %
Assessment details
Assessment Task 1: Oral Presentation
Task Description:
You will be required to undertake research into, or otherwise investigate a matter of interest or importance to UTAS Tax Clinic students, staff or clients. You will then prepare a 15 – 20-minute presentation on the topic to be delivered at an agreed upon time. Note this may be at one of 4 scheduled workshops or at a time otherwise agreed if the topic is to be presented externally i.e., to partner organisations or community groups.
You will be awarded a mark based on the quality of your research in addition to your ability to communicate your findings to the designated audience.

Task Length:
Oral presentation - 20 minutes
Due Date:
See the MyLO site for the due date
20 %
Analyse an identified issue in taxation
Communicate in oral form using professional language and standards required for the audience.
Assessment Task 2: Clinical Performance and Participation
Task Description:
Over the course of your internship, your Clinic Supervisor will evaluate your performance and participation in the UTAS Tax Clinic. This evaluation will, by and large, consider the activities you have undertaken in the Clinic relative to opportunity and exposure.

Your evaluation and subsequent mark will consider how you interact with clients i.e., your ability to use available resources to find appropriate solutions for clients, your ability to communicate effectively to clients in a professional manner and the quality and accuracy of advice or services provided. In addition, you will also be evaluated on how you interact with internal and external stakeholders to the Clinic i.e., fellow students, clinical staff and supervisors and partner organisations.

Your Clinic Supervisor will provide regular oral feedback to you throughout the semester. This will enable you to improve as the semester progresses.

You will be required to maintain a log of all activities performed in the Clinic through the semester. You will then present this log at the end of the semester to the Clinic Supervisor and agree on an appropriate grade. This will otherwise take the form of an “exit interview”.

Task Length:
Due Date:
Week 13
30 %

Demonstrate knowledge of the Australian taxation system when providing advice to clients.
LO1, LO2
Demonstrate an ability to provide appropriate solutions to clients.
LO1, LO2
Demonstrate an ability to provide advice on the fundamental principles of the Australian
taxation system.
LO1, LO2
Demonstrate an ability to manage technical issues that may arise when interacting with clients.
LO1, LO2
Communicate in oral form using professional language and standards common to business professionals.
Assessment Task 3: Reflective Journal
Task Description:
In this task you will write a reflective journal. Advice on how to write a reflective journal will be provided on MyLO.

This task provides you with an ongoing opportunity to think about your engagement with the Tax Clinic and record your reflections of that engagement. You are encouraged to reflect upon how you have assisted clients, the nature of the advice you have given to clients, the types of taxation issues you have had to research in order to provide advice
to clients, problems you have encountered and strategies you have used to solve those problems.

You will be required to make four postings to your journal across the
semester in weeks 3, 6, 9 and 12. These postings will be submitted
on MyLO.

Task Length:
4 x 500 words (2,000 words in total)
Due Date:
Refer to Assessment Description
50 %
Record and reflect on your engagement with the tax clinic.

How your final result is determined
To pass this unit, you need to demonstrate your attainment of each of the Intended Learning Outcomes, achieve a final unit grade of 50% or greater, and pass any hurdle tasks.
Submission of assignments
Where practicable, assignments should be submitted to an assignment submission folder in MYLO. You must submit assignments by the due date or receive a penalty (unless an extension of time has been approved by the Unit Coordinator). Students submitting any assignment in hard copy, or because of a practicum finalisation, must attach a student cover sheet and signed declaration for the submission to be accepted for marking.
Requests for extensions
If you are unable to submit an assessment task by the due date, you should apply for an extension.
A request for an extension should first be discussed with your Unit Coordinator or teaching support team where possible. A request for an extension must be submitted by the assessment due date, except where you can provide evidence it was not possible to do so. Typically, an application for an extension will be supported by documentary evidence: however, where it is not possible for you to provide evidence please contact your Unit Coordinator.
The Unit Coordinator must notify you of the outcome of an extension request within 3 working days of receiving the request.
Late penalties
Assignments submitted after the deadline will receive a late penalty of 5% of the original available mark for each calendar day (or part day) that the assignment is late. Late submissions will not be accepted more than 10 calendar days after the due date, or after assignments have been returned to other students on a scheduled date, whichever occurs first. Further information on Late Penalties can be found on the Assessments and Results Procedure.
Review of results and appeals
You are entitled to ask for a review of the marking and grading of your assessment task if there is an irregularity in the marking standards or an error in the process for determining the outcome of an assessment. Details on how to request a review of a mark for an assignment are outlined in the Review and Appeal of Academic Decisions Procedure.

Required Resources
Required reading materials
There are no prescribed texts or software for this unit. However, you will be provided with several key related theories for online discussions and you may find it valuable to read relevant related articles from journals and periodicals (including newspapers and magazines).
Recommended reading materials
Reading Lists provide direct access to all material on unit reading lists in one place. This includes eReadings and items in Reserve. You can access the Reading List for this unit from the link in MyLO, or by going to the Reading Lists page on the University Library website.
Other required resources