Today's modern integrated technology is built on ICT systems that run in a range of contexts (e.g. Servers, PCs, mobile computing, robotics) using a range of technological solutions. Students will examine a range of different devices used to build ICT infrastructure. By exploring computing devices students will gain a fundamental understanding of the similarities and differences in modern computer hardware, operating systems, networks, and cloud computing. Throughout the unit, students will develop a set of core competencies related to Unix command line instructions and introductory shell scripting for automation of repetitive tasks, file system navigation, file security and maintenance, and combining commands into pipelines. The key focus of the unit is to provide students with knowledge of operating system fundamentals and practical skills to apply that knowledge. The main operating systems topics covered in this unit include operating systems structure and services, process management and coordination, memory management including modern implementations of virtual memory, operating system security, file systems, device management, and input/output principles. The main focus will be on the Unix operating system but the different approaches in other operating systems will be examined.