This unit builds on KGG212 GIS: Spatial Analysis and focuses on advanced aspects of spatial data analysis, including practical aspects of programming for GIS customisation. At the start of semester you will spend one day in the field collecting GNSS data on a landslide near Hobart. This datasets is then used in the rest of the unit, starting with exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA), interpolation techniques and terrain modelling, geostatistics, and error propagation modelling. The second part of the unit focuses on GIS application development using the Python programming language. These skills enable you to develop new algorithms and tools, automate tasks, and build custom GIS solutions. This unit will provide you with highly valued skills in the spatial industry.
This unit is available to students face-to-face and online. Online students are expected to participate in live, online workshops each week, which are delivered synchronously/simultaneously with face-to-face students. The laboratory practicals will also allow for interaction with the practical supervisor via Zoom and the introduction will be recorded for those who wish to undertake the practicals independently.
In week 2 there is a field day at Home Hill Winery mapping a landslide.
No prior knowledge of programming or scripting is required for this unit.